• May 9, 2024

Do You Have a Winning Attitude For Betting on Horse Racing, Casino Games, Or Sports?

Has this ever happened to you? You are trying to win money by betting on a horse race, at a royal club casino, or maybe on sports. It seems like you are going to win, but then, at the last minute, you start to get that sinking feeling in your gut. It feels like you are on a slippery hill sliding backward and though everything is moving in slow motion, almost like a dream, there is nothing you can do to stop it. As you watch in disbelief, you lose and once again, you have the rotten feeling that comes with losing.

You are not alone. Every day, all over the world, many people lose while a few win. That is the nature of our world. There are a lot more poor people than rich people. There are a lot more losers than winners. Did you ever stop and think, when you are losing and get that terrible feeling, that you might actually expect it to happen? Why do you expect to lose? Why is that feeling, even though you may hate it, so familiar? Where and when did you learn to be a loser? When did you start to expect to lose?

Thatโ€™s right, where and when did you learn to be a loser? People need to learn how to win, right? Well then, people also must learn how to lose. When you are gambling the result is often based on your expectations. Research has shown that our expectations are built at a very early age. Somewhere along the line, you were programmed to expect to lose. That isnโ€™t your fault, it happened when you were very young and had no control over it. Most of our core values and beliefs about our self are formed by age 5. You wouldnโ€™t blame a 5 year old child for what it believes or thinks, right? Then donโ€™t blame yourself for the past or past mistakes.

But now that you know that, you must start to take responsibility for yourself and your future from this point forward. The best way to do that is to admit that you have been programmed to lose and to expect it and also to realize that you can change it. Let me ask you this, if you had a small child, and wanted to teach it how to be a winner, how would you do it? Wouldnโ€™t you tell it that it could be a winner, that it deserved the good things in life. That it was basically a good person? Of course you would, and you would be right. The very first thing you would do would be to teach it to expect to win and to reassure it that it was all right to win.

It is the same with that small child that is still somewhere in you. It is part of your subconscious mind and needs to learn that the old lessons are no longer true and that you have a better way. You now want to have a winning attitude whether you are betting on horse racing, sg online casino games, or sports. You expect to win. But to convince that child, you will have to repeat this simple but powerful affirmation over and over until your inner self, the part where the losing sinking feeling comes from, is re-programmed. Think of how we teach small children. Donโ€™t we send them to school where the same lessons are repeated over and over? Children learn through recitation and repetition (saying the same thing over and over out loud).

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